What is failure similar to?Does failure and YouTube recommendations system induce similar kind of behaviour in people? I will tell you a story. I read in some history…Jul 6Jul 6
Approach to solving creativityInverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is a problem and a class of methods in artificial intelligence that aims to infer the reward function…Jul 6Jul 6
How to reduce confusion when using chatGPTEveryone talks about how cool of a technology chatGPT is and it is hard to argue with that. However, blindly relying on its abilities is…Jul 6Jul 6
Formulating engineering design as full reinforcement learning problemIn this article, I will try to argue that engineering design in general and topology optimisation in particular should be formulated as…Jun 16Jun 16
Инженерное проектирование с помощью обучения с подкреплением и методов конечных элементовFor English version see [1]Jul 28, 2023Jul 28, 2023
საინჟინრო დიზაინი განმტკიცების სწავლით და სასრული ელემენტების მეთოდებითFor English version see [1].Jul 28, 2023Jul 28, 2023